Thursday, July 14, 2011

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Gia speaks out "I was always in loved Duron, I just let my sister go for him, she's the bravest!"

before going blonde and dropping
35 pounds of baby weight!
Gia Tamerin Corleone sits with Manny, Our only female staff at a small cafe in Brooklyn, New York, Gia orders a the double waffle and an egg white scrambled eggs and an iced tea, Her son with Boyfriend Duron King is at home with her step son, Rashad and his Best Friend, Vada Deluccio. She looks stunning, denim shorts, a black tube top and vest with white heels. "my sister styles all my outfits for me, its so great." she sips her iced tea and smiles at me. "you guys talk so much shit on limelight, hell most of its true but i wanna be honest and set the record straight with you." I smile at her, knowing that she's right we do have alot to talk about and definitely get the answers we need to keep out stories correct. The thing about Gia, as she says "I'm your typical, take of your man type of girl. I wasn't made for a guy like corey. I was made for a man like Duron. I make sure the kids are feed, ready for school, and that dinner is on the table for the boys. Then at night after I put Vinny down for bed, Shad normally goes to Vada's or we have her with us, which I love She's the best like the daughter I always wanted. I cook him his dinner, I eat with him ask him how his day was and we have a glass of wine, maybe smoke a blunt, and then watch a movie snuggle up on the couch together. I like for him to keep work at work and when hes home it's about me and the kids. I love him and I do my best to show him that." Gia is very domestic, she cooks, she cleans, she takes care of the house and her man saying massages and sex are daily. She also says "I am your typical italian woman like my mother was before all of us were old us, now that my dad past two years ago, she looks so much happier, she's got a boyfriend. She doesn't have my father yelling at her, aging her. Duron would NEVER do that to me, he treats me like a queen." She smiles and looks down at her thick pink and black diamond bracelet. "I was the first one to meet him, I was always the shy one, I always loved Duron but I let my sister go for it. She was always the bravest and now here we are look at us now." Gia has a constant smile but not we have the tough questions and it pains me to do so.

"Duron loves me blonde, He looks at me
and says everyday - "Damn baby,You
look so fucking good. It  makes me
feel sexy!"
LIMELIGHT:So, What happened. You and Duron were on good terms before you got pregnant with Vincenzo Dade, What changed?
GIA: There was a family party, I said something nasty to duron because he grabbed Shane by the wrist and told her to shut her mouth, Shane had been drinking alot of Patron. So, Duron got made at me told me to come with him, I was engaged to Corey at the time and I told him to take care of Shane, he was such a good man he did. Duron and I talked, I was drunk he was drunk. But the sex was amazing. I felt like I was in my sister's shes for that hour. Everyone thought we were fighting and talking, They say the best way to have sex is when your angry.

L: Do you feel bad for it?
G: I did and I still do, for lying, for the fact i told Corey he was the father. I was calling duron     daily. But I do not feel bad for my son. 2 months later
Duron was in Jail, My son wont know about that til
hes atleast older than 10. [ laughs]

L: Do you feel bad for what you did to your sister?
G: Of course I do, At that point in time i knew she was a drug addict, she was popping pills like crazy. she couldnt handle duron's business, his empire his life while i enivied it. When he went to jail I watched her lose herself, her life, her diginity. She stayed faithful, but
was drinking and doing more drugs at the time shad who was 14
had to take care of her, I helped as much as I could,
I was pregnant, so Corey helped too.
L: I'm sorry for both of you going thru that, Speaking of Corey, He's doing great
Dating a Kardashian sister, Kourtney, what do you think about him now.
G: Kourtney is a very lucky girl, He will help with Mason, Hes an amazing father!
and he will always be the best shoulder to lean on when you need him. We keep in touch, We all do. He's a big part of our family, we all still love him. Hes one of my

L: Now lets skip to right now, Shane and Duron are divorced. That ended really fast,  we heard she kinda flew off the handle, Duron called the cops. She flew out to you and then...
G: I was pregnant with Corey's son at the time and the stress of my sister is not what caused me to lose the baby, there was complications before she came out I was on bedrest, I needed my sister there. I had Vinny running around, Corey's mom, My Mom and My moms boyfriend [ model Josh Standing ], Everyone had a helping hand but most of all she wanted to lay in bed with me after a couple of weeks in rehab and mental health centers. She begged me to let her back to the house, Her doctor said as long as she stayed on the meds she'd be fine. Duron and I were talking so much more not just about Shane but about how he was doing, How my step son was doing at the time, it was Shane's step son, but she kept waiting and wanting that family back so bad. At that point, his mom passed away and that was it. No matter how pregnant I was I had to get her home. He didnt really wanna talk to her much so he talked to me, she stayed with Shad and Vinny and well, The  hate fueled into love and seeing him like that for the first time, without being drunk, knowing since I was 15 years old that man made every inch of my body shake and shiver and I knew what Shane meant. I feel terrible admitting this but that night, there was nothing to be said, he need comfort, so did I. Corey and I were back forth, I lost the baby the day i told him i needed bedrest. I like to think that night The way Duron and I had sex, We made love. Afterwards, I told him I lost the baby and I was in love with him and now here we are. Corey left that night, Shane stayed in the guest room one night and then left. I feel horrible for what happened after telling the people we once had so much feeling for that it over. Duron and I needed eachother, Wanted eachother. It's the way it is, Now our hearts arent empty.
L: You said you confessed that you loved DK that night, What did he say?
G: He still has not said it back but I know he feels for me, Cares for me,  Adores me Wants me more than ever. He makes me feel sexy, He loves my blonde hair. He makes my body feel like temple, he always tells me how beautiful I am, How sexy I look. I feel like a goddess. D's going thru the toughest time right now so, i understand why he has figured out what to say yet, But I know in my heart the love is there our esle he wouldnt be so good to me. I love him. I love our family.
L: Shane's living at the four seasons, until her Loft is done and she'll be living in Manhattan. Rumor has it, She's been with model Declan Washington, Do you think he can help her overcome her missing Duron, the wound is still fresh, but she seems so happy when shes wit him. Do you see them living together?
G: I do. I see my sister very happy with him. In my opinion, I've known Declan since highschool, he was a sweetheart, a little bit of a player but that suits my sister and the big thing is she asked him out. So, I'm thinking it's a great step in the right direction for my gorgeous other half. I see them together, They've been friends for a while, talking getting to know one another. She just texted saying she's asleep on his chest, how sexy his tattoos are and how she thinks they'd make  beautiful babies together. He told me the same thing last night. So, I'm positive this is a lasting relationship for myself. And it's healthy, He makes sure she'd doing the right thing, taking the medication she needs, eating right, exercising. I love them together,
L: Gia, Thank you so much for your time and just giving us the oppurtunity to know the situation. You are lovely, so is your family and we hope to speak to all of you and especially, you again. You are a doll. Youre very honest.
G: Thank You! I'm glad I clear things up. I gotta get home and take care of the family now. Duron should be up soon and he ad a late night so it's steak and eggs for breakfast for him, and since We have Vada over French toast with the powder sugar, bacon and eggs for my kids. I love my life. Thank you for the oppurtunity to speak out and say whats real! Loves of love limelight fans from our fam to yours!

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